The Quick Report

10 Celebrities Who Embody Leo Magnetism

Let’s continue to revel in Leo season by showcasing some of our favorite Leo celebrities! Because of course there are a ton of Leos in entertainment and politics.

10. Jason Momoa

Jason Momoa

Jain Momoa was born August 1, 1979 in Honolulu Hawaii. Leos are represented by the Lion. And as we all know, lions are the king of the jungle. So Momoa probably felt right at home playing Khal Drogo, leader of the Dothraki in the hit show Game of Thrones. You may be wondering why a fire sign would want to play Aquaman. Well, his moon is in Scorpio so that may explain it.

9. Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren was born July 26th, 1945 in London England. I said earlier that Leo is represented by the king of the jungle, but this Leo is a queen — and I mean that literally! Helen Mirren probably channeled her Leo sun and Mercury signs to portray Queen Elizabeth II in the play The Audience. Also, her Leo confidence mixed with her Aquarius moon is probably why she was effortlessly able to clap back at that sexist interviewer in 1975.

8. Barack Obama

#Obama - Four more years - 2012

Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii. I miss having a president who could string a coherent thought together. Obama’s charismatic Leo Sun, coupled with his intelligent and eloquent Gemini moon, made him a great orator and an even better president.

7. Jennifer Lopez 

Jennifer Lopez Net Worth

Jennifer Lopez was born on July 24th, 1969 in New York City. She is the second person on this list to have a Leo sun and a Scorpio moon. As a Leo, she is a charismatic diva who is passionate about her art. While her Scorpio moon allows her to feel her emotions rather intensely. 

6. Maya Rudolph

Christina Applegate, Will Arnett, and Maya Rudolph, DSC_0040

Maya Rudolph was born on July 27th, 1972 in Gainesville, Florida. Rudolph is like a super Leo. Her sun, Mercury, and Mars are all in Leo. That would explain why she oozes charm and is a natural born entertainer. But she doesn’t need our praise. Her moon and Venus are both in air signs, so she can gas herself up.

5. Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence was born on August 15, 1990 in Indian Hills, Kentucky. Lawrence does not have a lot of fire in her birth chart, but she does have fire signs in prominent placements. She is a Leo sun and a Sagittarius rising. In other words, she was perfect for the role of Katniss Everdeen, The Girl on Fire, in Hunger Games.

4. Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle
Photo by USA Network

Meghan Markle was born on August 4, 1981, in Los Angeles, California. Though the fixed fire signs are known to be charismatic by nature, not many members of the royal family find her charming. Perhaps they are just jealous of the royal energy she naturally has as a Leo.

3. Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston
Walt Disney Television/BrownHouse Productions/Storyline Entertainment

Whitney Houston was born on August 9th in Newark, New Jersey. As a Leo with an Aries moon, it’s easy to see why she was such a powerhouse performer. The passion she brought to her music and the silver screen is one of the many reasons why we will always love her.

Read More: 10 Must-Watch Movies for Leo Season

2. Daniel Radcliffe 

Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe was born on July 23, 1989 in London, England. He is probably the most fiery celebrity on this list. Not only is he an Aries moon, but he also has Leo in his sun sign, Mercury sign, Venus sign, and Mars sign. Dang dude, leave some Leo for the rest of us! With so much Leo in his chart, his performance of “She’ll Be Coming ‘Round The Mountain” in the series Miracle Workers makes perfect sense.

Read More: Hey Leo, These Are Your Best and Worst Zodiac Love Matches

1. Patrick Swayze

Dirty Dancing
Great American Films Limited Partnership

Patrick Swayze was born on August 18th, 1952 in Houston, Texas. Swayze has just as many Leo placements in his chart as Daniel Radcliffe does. He was a Leo sun, moon, Mercury, and Pluto. His iconic performances in Dirty Dancing and To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar makes so much more sense.

Read More: 10 Characters That Embody Big Leo Energy