Everyone knows that the Supes in The Boys are based on superheroes from DC and Marvel comics. But some may be subtle in their parody. Read on to find out which superheroes represent who.
10. Homelander Is Superman

This one is pretty much a no brainer. They both have super strength, laser vision, are virtually indestructible, and can fly. Superman is the leader of the Justice League and Homelander is the leader of The Seven. Their costumes also have the same color scheme of blue, red, and yellow. I bet Miranda Priestly would find the choice of using primary colors “groundbreaking.”
9. A-Train Is The Flash

It’s pretty obvious that A-Train is The Flash. They both can run at the speed of light. But that’s pretty much where the similarities end. Barry Allen is shy, intelligent, and socially awkward. Whereas A-Train is cocky and unapologetic. Though to his credit he does try to redeem himself.
8. The Deep Is Aquaman

Aquaman was always the superhero who caught the most flack from fans, because his powers aren’t as useful as everyone else in the Justice League. The Deep seems to carry on the tradition of being the most useless member of the team. At least Aquaman has a cool name. “The Deep” is the dumbest superhero name I’ve ever heard.
7. Soldier Boy Is Captain America

Captain America was an actual soldier boy. And Soldier Boy is… erm… Soldier Boy. Clearly with a name like that, it’s no surprise that Soldier Boy is a Captain America pastiche. They even gave him a comically sized shield. However, Captain America doesn’t like bullies. And Soldier Boy is the biggest bully on the show.
6. Queen Maeve is Wonder Woman

We all know Queen Maeve is supposed to be Wonder Woman. They have a similar costume, similar powers, and are the token women on the teams. Their personas are also derived from myths. Wonder Woman is the daughter of Zeus and Queen Maeve named herself after a warrior queen from Irish folklore.
5. Starlight is Supergirl

Starlight is a naive blonde who just wants to save people and make the world a better place. In the beginning of the series, she is almost too angelic to be taken seriously. Does that sound like anyone else we know? Starlight is clearly a parody of Supergirl, but she’s not as insufferable.
4. Stormfront is Thor

The lightning bolt throwing Nazi is supposed to be none other than the son of Odin himself, Thor. I’ve always wondered if the original creators based Stormfront on Thor as a commentary on how neo-Nazis are always into Viking iconography. Please don’t think I’m calling you a nazi if you enjoy the Viking aesthetic. Not all Viking lovers are Nazis. I would venture to say that most of them are not.
3. Tek Knight is Both Iron Man and Batman

Just thinking about Tek Knight makes my skin crawl. He’s a disgusting character. In the comic, Tek Knight does not have any powers. He just has a lot of money, gadgets, and a hi-tech super suit. Combine that with his slimy tech bro charisma and creepy bat cave… I mean sex dungeon, it’s pretty clear that he’s a mix of Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark.
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2. Kimiko is Deadpool and Wolverine

Like Tek Knight, fans speculate that Kimiko is an amalgam of two characters. Two characters who just starred in their very first film together. Of course I’m talking about Wolverine and Deadpool. Like Hollywood’s new favorite pair, Kimiko was a soldier with super strength and regenerative powers. She is also lovable and adorable like Deadpool.
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1. Sage is Master Menace

This may be a parody that most fans aren’t aware of. Sage is the smartest person to have ever lived. And she is based off of Master Menace, a super genius who is known as the world’s greatest intellect.
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