The Quick Report

10 Foods That Boost Your Immune System Naturally

Who doesn’t want to naturally boost their immune system? Luckily, you can by eating certain foods. Here are 10 examples.

Citrus Fruits

sliced fruit on white surface
Photo by Brooke Lark

Citrus fruits are full of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is good for your immune system and can also be good for your bones and cartilage. Citrus fruits give you the vitamins that your body doesn’t make on its own. You can eat them as slices or drink them as juice. You can have your citrus fruits any way you want!


garlic bulb and clove
Photo by Luke Besley

Garlic can be added to many dishes. Add it to your favorite pasta sauce or stir-fry. The sky’s the limit when it comes to garlic! Garlic is good for your body because it has anti-inflammatory properties. It can also heighten the immune response. Garlic is not only a tasty addition to food but is also beneficial to your body.

Red Bell Peppers

a group of red bell peppers
Photo by Suradeach Saetang

Red bell peppers are good for your immune system. They actually have more Vitamin C than citrus fruits. They can help with your eye and skin health. You can cook them or enjoy them raw. Eat them however you’d like! You will still get all the nutrients you need from bell peppers no matter how you prepare them.


Photo by Wikipedia and Simon A. Eugster

Turmeric offers many health benefits. It has anti-inflammatory properties and helps with the body’s defense capabilities. It also can help reduce the symptoms of arthritis, depression, and digestive disorders. Turmeric is a main ingredient in curries but can also be used in soups, stews, teas, and marinades.


white cream ginger on brown wooden table
Photo by Lawrence Aritao

Ginger has a positive impact on the immune system. It is anti-inflammatory, just like its cousin turmeric. Ginger can easily be added to your diet and can be used fresh or in a powdered form. Just know that the health benefits are more likely to come from fresh ginger.


pink dahlia flowers beside ceramic plate with jar
Photo by Alisa Anton

Yogurt is good for your gut health. It is rich in probiotics which can increase good bacteria in your stomach (yes, good bacteria exist). To get even more nutrients, make your yogurt a parfait by adding fruit and granola. You can also add it to different recipes, such as sweet treats and smoothies.


four raw fish meat
Photo by Christine Siracusa

Salmon is very rich in Vitamin D, which is known to reduce inflammation in the body. Salmon also has omega-3 fatty acids, which are linked to lower mortality rates from certain diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.


sliced vegetables on white ceramic bowl with chicken
Photo by Towfiqu Barbhuiya

Chicken and turkey are considered poultry. They contain Vitamin B-6, which is good for immune health. It can also be good for cardiovascular and brain health. You can add different ingredients to your poultry meals, such as vegetables, to give yourself more of an immune boost.

Read More: Top 10 Exotic Fruits You Need to Try 

Leafy Greens

a couple of green leaves sitting on top of a table
Photo by Mikey Frost

Leafy greens include spinach, kale, or Swiss chard. They have a lot of fiber in them which is good for gut health. They can also reduce inflammation in the body. Eat them raw in your favorite salad or steamed as a side to your favorite warm dish.

Read More: 10 Mood-Boosting Breakfast Ideas


cashew nut lot on blue ceramic bowl
Photo by Jenn Kosar

Nuts have a good amount of zinc in them, which is good for your body. Zinc helps your immune system and benefits heart health. Nuts can easily be eaten on the go and make for a great snack. They also can be added to oatmeals or cereals, or even your favorite grain-based dish.

Read More: The 15 Best Superfoods to Add to Your Diet